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Time Sucking Vampires Kill Piano Playing Among Other Things

There's a great book written by an extremely wealthy and productive individual named Dan Kennedy. It's called "NO B.S Time Management." If you have issues in this area then you should read it. If you simply want to accomplish more. You should read it. And one of the things he talks about are "Time Vampires" [...]

The Great Goat Testicle Surgeon

J.R. Brinkley was known as the "goat gland surgeon" Back in the 20 and 30's he performed thousands of surgeries attaching goat testicles to the same of a man looking for "virility" Basically it was the former version of the little blue pill. Did it work? Well that depends on who you ask. He was [...]

Why Making Mistakes Actually Benefits You When Learning Piano By Ear

Got this email from Sidney a while back sharing a huge mistake I often see with my Layer Method students. Email below *********** “Tim, I think I made a big mistake when I first started by trying to perfect each lesson before going to the next then trying to protect 2 then perfect 1&2 before [...]

Everything Is Better Higher

There's something magical about building something with your hands. For instance: We are finishing our basement, and one of the things we will be doing down there is playing music. So of course you need a stage right? Well... ...at least I think so. Why not?!! But it's gotta be small and removable in case [...]

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Piano Players

There's a book called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. You know the guy who invented that Franklin planner thing that is all but obsolete now. I used to carry one of those things around as if my life depended on it. Couldn't function without it. But it got me thinking [...]