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learn chord piano

Terrified of playing in front of people?

Got this question yesterday.

“How do you handle stage fright that effects your performance to the point that you shake while you play and lose all sense of music and timing?” Kirk

Stage fright is a real thing.

There is no doubt about that.

Shaky hands, shaky voice, sweaty palms.

This question brought me back to the beginning of my performing career. I remember a really weird pattern that I had because of stage fright.

It would go like this.

I would always feel like I was getting a little cold a few days before a show. This feeling happened every time! So then (since in my mind I was getting sick) I would allow myself to drink some Nyquil before we started.

Not a good pattern.

Later that turned into shots of whiskey.

But that was all because of stage fright.

Very common amongst musicians.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you.

In fact, I finally figured out how to play without the aid of cold medicine.

It was called practice and managing expectations.

The more I practiced, the more confident I became. In fact, most times I hated the songs I played for others because I had practiced them so much. It was then I knew I was going to be good.

Also, realizing, that most people are just in awe of anybody who is willing to have the courage to sit down in front of others and play. It’s hard, everybody wants to be able to do it and very few can, which makes it super special.

And one last thing.

I would simply lie to myself and say I was the best musician in the room, even if nobody else knew it.

Mind tricks and practice.

Thats how I got over stage fright.

One last thing.

You are always your worst critic.

Most people don’t even hear mistakes, they just hear that you can play something.

So get to practicing and continue to put yourself in positions to fail, embarrass yourself, and make you really nervous. It’s what will make you better.

And if you don’t know what to practice.

I can help with that.

But first you gotta get your money out and purchase the Layer Method program.

Which can be done here:



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