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Honestly…Is Learning To Play Piano By Ear Really Possible?

Fay asks a very honest question. And I intend to give her a very honest answer. Inquiring Fay's want to know: "Hi Tim, I am 56 years old and have no musical background at all; have never taken a piano or any other instrument lesson whatsoever, but I love to play piano one day. My [...]

Time Sucking Vampires

There's a great book written by an extremely wealthy and productive individual named Dan Kennedy. It's called "NO B.S Time Management." If you have issues in this area then you should read it. If you simply want to accomplish more. You should read it. And one of the things he talks about are "Time Vampires" [...]

Dear Skeptics: It’s Not Your Fault You Can’t Play Piano By Ear

Marian wants to get her two cents in. In response to Greg who was skeptical (rightfully so) In her words: "I've been meaning to give you an update about my progress like I promised but I've been too busy having fun!....the Layer Method makes so much sense and I've been going back to the lessons [...]

Chimpanzees, Hens, Shining Eyes, and How To Learn To Play Piano By Ear

As I get closer to becoming a father I am seeing things much differently. Now when I see or hear about something I tend to put it into the context of how will this affect the little guy or how can I use this to help him. Perfect example… …Last night I was reading about [...]

Add years to your life with the “age stretcher”

Life goes quick. Real quick... and the older I get the quicker it goes. I am finding out how pretty much everything my mom told me was true. I hate to admit that. It can be depressing sometimes how fast it goes. But I happen to come across something that helped me tremendously to deal [...]