• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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learn chord piano

Marian wants to get her two cents in.

In response to Greg who was skeptical (rightfully so)

In her words:

“I’ve been meaning to give you an update about my progress like I promised but I’ve been too busy having fun!….the Layer Method makes so much sense and I’ve been going back to the lessons every time I get stuck. I can play anything! There are still some things I need to learn but right now, modesty aside, I sound pretty dang good!

Let me share something with Greg: I guess I can say that it’s easier for me because I play the guitar and I’m familiar with chords. Nothing should stop you even if you’ve never played a single note before. It never stopped me from playing a song I never played before. I can play sharps, flats and minor chords now. What also helps me is I go on youtube, play the song, listen to it, get the chords on e-chords then play along. Hear that, Tim? I get to play along with the actual artist on youtube! Surprise, surprise! Yup, it blew me away too!

Now, Greg, I’m not bragging about myself, I’m bragging about Tim! He’s the hero! I’m not getting a grand piano from him for saying this but do give him a try. I would really hate for someone not to be able to enjoy music like I do. God not only blessed Tim with such an awesome gift, He gave Tim a heart bigger than the great outdoors to want to share it with us. You can do it! I promise!

Take care, Tim! Marian”

What Marian is doing is using the 8 Step Song Blueprint to play anything she wants using free tools online.

That 8 Step Song Blueprint course comes with the Layer Method program.

Listen closely with an open heart.

It’s okay if you failed before.

Bought other programs before.

And were told you couldn’t learn.

They are all liars. And it wasn’t your fault.

Sometimes you just have to find the right teacher.

I am ready to show you how great that can be, and I guarantee your success. Regardless of your past experiences.

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