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So apparently there are a group of “Jazz Police” that go around and basically ticket anybody not doing Jazz piano correctly.

I’ve been at a conference for Internet Marketing all week in Boise Idaho.

And yesterday I met a guy who is one of the best Jazz piano teachers online. He is like one of those real piano players that went to college for music. You know the type, his knowledge of piano is totally annoying.

But regardless he is a good guy, and very good at what he does.

But he was telling me last night about getting a virtual ticket from the Jazz Police about how he was teaching.

Jazz Police???? I asked.

He then went on to tell me that he got a letter telling him to shape up his teaching otherwise he would out of the Jazz secret club or something.

Apparently, with Jazz, there are certain rules, like serious rules on the songs, style, way to play it etc..

…you must do these things in an exact order to be considered doing it right. And there is a real life group of people (the Jazz Police) that keep everybody in check.

Well…that sounds pretty dumb.

But alas, I am sure I would get a million tickets if there was a Traditional Piano Police group. In fact, I am pretty sure I would be in solitary confinement for the duration of my prison sentence.

But who cares.

Part of the problem is people get stuck in thinking there is only one way to do something right. Hogwash. I do it wrong everyday and love playing the piano.

And guess what?

People love hearing it.

And the fact is, I am a completely below average player in regards to skill level…


What I know is how to play with both hands, songs I love, and have it sound awesome. Just like thousands of my current students.

So who cares if you aren’t doing it “the traditional way”

Layer Method students are immune to piano police tickets. We simply crumple them up, throw them out the window and skip our court date. We keep on playing the way we want.

And so can you.

Once you sign up here and get started playing with both hands:



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