• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
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  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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If you struggle to practice or would like to change something about yourself…

…then the book I am currently reading may be of great benefit to you.

It’s called “The Power Of Habit”

It’s basically about “why we do what we do in life and in business”

The basic premise behind the book is this:

We think we are making choices all day long, but in reality we are really only acting on habits that we have created.

And each habit is created by the exact same 3 step LOOP.

1. Cue or Trigger
2. Routine
3. Reward

And to really change anything all we have to do is find a new trigger and reward. The routine will come naturally if the other two are in place.

So why am I telling you this.


All you need to do is practice 10-15 minutes a day to become very good at playing the piano for your own enjoyment.

But you still need to practice.

And the most important thing about consistent practice is making it become a habit.

There’s a girl who had struggled with her weight for 10 years. Then she decided to start setting her running shoes at the door and putting them on as soon as she got home from work. That new trigger to go for a short run before doing anything else lead her to losing 60 pounds and becoming a marathon runner.

New trigger led to running routine, led to big reward.

So what’s your piano practice trigger??

Maybe you are struggling because you try to choose to practice each day when instead you should have a trigger and let it happen so you can reap the reward of playing?

Everybody is different.

Maybe it’s setting the keyboard in the middle of your living room so you have to walk past it to reach the remote.

Like a defensive player to couch surfing!

Think about it this weekend.

What could you do to set up a new trigger that gets you to practice so you benefit from the reward of playing the piano. Then you can start Monday with your new habit!


If you are in the habit of reading my emails and not buying the program out of fear, or skepticism… then you should start a new one today and click the link below and buy it. You will be playing like you can’t even imagine sooner than you though possible.

Reward (of playing piano) found here: www.pianofool.com/pianoprogram


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