• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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When it comes to predicting success of my students I am usually right on.

The more questions they ask PRIOR to purchasing the less likely they will succeed.

This is simply because sometimes people are looking for the reason something won’t work versus, taking a chance, committing to the process and making it happen. In other words, finding the reasons why it could work.

Charlie is a perfect example of someone I thought would fail. In fact, he asked so many questions prior that I finally told him NOT to buy my program. Below is the exact email I sent to him trying to repel him from purchasing.

PianoFool: Hey Charlie- You don’t want to buy my program. Here’s why… You want to know how to do everything before before buying which usually means you will ask for a refund. You’ll ask for it because you most likely won’t trust the process and after going through a couple modules will think it’s to remedial for you. I know it will work for you, but after being in this business for several years I also can see from a mile away someone who will be disappointed (and I hate to disappoint my students) and ask for a refund. So.. My suggestion is to you is to try another program.”


Charlie bought my program against my will. And this is the email I got this from him a few months later:

“Hi Tim hope this note finds you well…well I finally found the stage tonight and everything you said pretty much happened. Crazy nerves, forgetting chords heck I even forgot my name lol! But the bottom line is this… I did it and the place wants me to come back! So thank you for giving me the skills and confidence to finally accompany myself vocally and please continue to encourage all your students as I’m sure there are more than a few budding stars out there! God bless you, Charlie C”

So maybe I am wrong sometimes.

Buy maybe me telling Charlie to NOT buy my program was the slap in the face he needed to prove me wrong.

Either way…

…Charlie has now done one of the hardest things in the world. Play for the first time in front of other people. AND get asked back. There are less people who have done that than climbed Mt.Everest I am sure. (totally guess based on nothing but opinion) The fact is it’s a very small exclusive club.

But you know what?

There’s still room for you.

Sometimes overthinking things is good, most of the times it just keeps you from your dreams.

Choose today to go for it.

You will be playing piano (and doing it for life) within a few months. Maybe even playing in public!!!

Can you imagine??

Stop imagining and start doing by signing up here:



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