• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
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  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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learn chord piano

Ever felt paralyzed about what to do?

Student Bill, former airline pilot, has some great advice on this topic:

“Tim: Another great analogy. Just like everything else in life, forget the mistakes and succeed, or worry about the mistake and get no-where. Having retired from the airline industry and teaching flying since I was 21 years old, I can tell you that I always told my students…..”DO SOMETHING, even if it is wrong.” You can fix the wrong, BUT “if you do nothing you will NOT enjoy the accident”. Once these students, even advanced students, learned that doing something was better than doing nothing and enjoying their way to the ground, they started to really learn. Learning by making mistakes and working their way out of the problem. The quickest way to a fiery death was to sit back and enjoy the ride, screaming all the way to the end. NOT everything is life or death, but enjoyment is from trying and succeeding, not sitting back and letting the world pass you by.Keep up the good work, relating piano information to everyday life and other parts of everyday projects.- Bill”

I love what Bill says, DO SOMETHING, even if it’s wrong!

I think thats what got screwed up about traditional piano teaching. For some reason it was expected to be perfect or you would be ruler slapped for hitting the wrong note.

And I still hear from students how they aren’t playing something perfectly yet, disappointed in themselves.

I wish I could reach through the computer screen and grab you by the collar and say, “IT’S OKAY, JUST KEEP AT IT AND ENJOY THE STRUGGLE.”

If everything was easy, life would be SO BORING.

Can you imagine how pointless life would be?

TIM: Hey Joe how was your day?

Joe: Well it was perfect again. Just like everyday.

TIM: Great.


…challenge and struggle is what makes life great.

It’s what gives you character, texture, and makes you interesting.

It’s what makes you relatable.

So be glad in it. Without it we would be really boring.

Sometimes learning piano can be a struggle.

Fingers don’t work right, can’t get both hands playing at the same time, rhythm is off, it doesn’t sound quite right, and on and on…

…that’s when you know you going to make it. Because you are doing something about it. And for that, you should be grateful for the struggle.

It will happen. You will be playing with both hands.

And if you haven’t even started struggling to learn piano yet, then you can do that by going to the link below.

I will take you step by step, and teach you how to fight through the struggles and be successful.

It’s my promise to you.

Go here and start doing something, before life slips away and you wondered what happened:



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