• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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Frustrated with trying to learn piano on your own? Read what Sharon says below:

“Love love love your program. Just read your post where someone talked about just learning from youtube or the Internet. That method is confusing and frustrating. Your method is so organized. With little practice I am doing so much better and understanding so much more than I ever did from the traditional piano lessons I took as a child. Wish so much that I had your program years ago. I’m 63 so it’s never too late to learn what you missed out on years ago. Having a blast with your program! Sharon”

There are really two solid reason why the Layer Method of Piano program works.

1) It was developed out of failure

Here’s what I mean.

I had failed 3 times to learn piano. Super frustrating. Traditional lessons just did not work for me. Even some of the non traditional programs didn’t work for me because of one simple fact.

They are all, and I mean ALL taught by people who played piano their whole life. Most taught piano for a living their whole life’s.

So they can’t possibly relate to an adult wanting to learn who has failed multiple times.

And that’s okay. It’s not their fault either.

After you have failed at something (then figured it out) you have a unique perspective that translates into being able to teach it effectively. Leaving out the things that don’t matter and skipping ahead and playing so called “advanced” methods right away.


…on to reason numero

2) It’s scientifically organized to produce the result of playing piano with both hands, songs you love.

That’s right “scientifically” organized.

I am the scientist and I organized it.

After failing then succeeding I know what works and what doesn’t. I know the exact process I took to go from piano failure to paid dueling piano player in months. And this is what I share with you.

No guesswork.

No confusion.

Just show up. Practice 10-15 per day and I guarantee you will be calling yourself a piano player.

How long?

It all depends on you.

And whats the hurry anyway? The Layer Method, once learned, never leaves you. You will never, I mean never lose the skill of playing no matter how long you take off after you have learned it.

Why not say yes to playing piano today and sign up before another excuse stop you from fulfilling your dream?

You can sign up here:



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