• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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learn chord piano

Chris, PianoFool student and much better piano player than the Fool himself, sent me a shocking email last week.

A confession of sorts.

Here goes:

“Tim, So I have a confession to make. I am one of those “traditional” piano students who is already quite accomplished. But what drew me to try the Layer Method was a statement you made about a friend who could play anything on the piano as long as she had her music with her. That is me to a T! So far, with just a few lessons I have been able to pound out “Give Me Love” by George Harrison in 2 different keys, without any sheet music! It is very rewarding and I am looking forward to “discovering” many more songs. (I discovered this gem in the first lesson as I was learning the 4 chord progression.) Thank you so much for your encouragement. I am having a blast. Chris”

I can count on a thousand hands how many students I have that are way better piano players than me.

In fact, if there was a job to apply for that required “piano knowledge”;and I was competing for it against thousands of traditional piano students. Well..

…I would never get the job.

But if they ask us to play something randomly in a hotel lobby without any sheet music etc.. then the majority of the traditional students would be up a creek without a paddle so to say.

It’s just the facts.

And it’s weird to be a teacher to students who truly know much more about the subject than you do.

I would fail a traditional piano theory course miserably.

I would be laughed at if I had to teach a course on sheet music.

But I can teach anybody (traditionally trained OR a complete beginner) how to play songs on the piano with both hands.

Like really fast. In the most simple, effective, and fool proof way imaginable.

Chris will go on to play whatever she wants. She will use all the knowledge she has from thousands of hours of traditional lessons to experience the piano like she always dreamed. The funny thing is she already knew everything I teach.

What she just didn’t know was how to look at the piano and songs in a different way.

She was never taught to see the patterns in what she was reading.

She was taught to read, pluck out what was on the paper, and then repeat, stop, or continue based on what the little page told her to do.

But not anymore.

She has clear vision.

In fact, the Layer Method of Piano could really be considered to be vision treatment.

You ready to start seeing the piano in a whole different light?

In a way that finally makes sense and allows you to play like a “real” player plays with just a few simple methods?

Then it’s time to get on board, sign up for the Layer Method, and learn to play piano by ear.

Go here:



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