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I’ve been noticing a trend with our younger workforce. There seems to be a huge lack of, what I call, a “sense of urgency”. And since I don’t believe you can train this in someone, I have figured out an ingenious (if I do say so myself) way to hire properly.

Here’s the backstory:

For lunch (almost daily) I can be found hitting the local Subway, Chipotle, or Jimmy Johns. Big sandwich guy.

And working there is either the A team (those with a sense of urgency) or the B team (those without it), and sometimes a mixture of both.

The other day I ordered a Sub sandwich and I kid you not, it took about 12 minutes to get 4 tomatoes put on that thing.

I began to look around to see if I was on hidden camera or something. After falling asleep waiting for my sandwich to get completed I looked at the manager, she rolled her eyes and I thought to myself…

…How is it possible this person was hired?

And it’s not a one time incident. Happens pretty consistently nowadays. But I think I figured out how to weed through these urgency turtles lurking in interview rooms across the country.

Here’s what I would do.

I would bring in the person being interviewed. I would have a glass of water set on one side of my desk.

Then on the other side, during the normal interview process, I would start a fire.

Just a little fire on the corner of my desk.

Then I would wait.

If the person instantly jumps out of their seat, grabs the water, puts out the fire, well… they are hired.

If on the other hand, the person, points at it, asks about it, then takes a picture to post to instagram or something. Well they are escorted out.

Problem solved.

The world would be a better buying environment if we had a process like this in place.

Speaking of a sense of urgency.

How you doing with piano?

Days are going by one after the other.

You could already be playing if you got to practicing.

Don’t know what to practice?

You can find that in the Layer Method of Piano program.

Which, of course, can be gotten here, but only if you want to learn to play piano by ear:



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