There’s a great book written by an extremely wealthy and productive individual named Dan Kennedy.
It’s called “NO B.S Time Management.”
If you have issues in this area then you should read it.
If you simply want to accomplish more. You should read it.
And one of the things he talks about are “Time Vampires”
People and things in your life that literally suck the time away from you.
1) Facebook
2) Drama friends and family
3) Cell phones
You have probably already thought of a few more.
It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use any of these things, or hang out with certain people…(although there’s a great argument for ridding your life of people who drain your very soul of life)
But the point is recognizing these “Time Sucking Vampires” and put them in their proper place.
We are all sadly, under accomplished compared to what we could be.
A society of busy people doing nothing.
When that happens, dreams, things we want to accomplish go by the way side to accomplish nothing but wasting time.
The good news is when you recognize this you can reverse it.
Start doing things in blocks of time as opposed to when they come up.
Don’t allow interruptions of any kind when focused on a task.
In fact, as I write this I almost checked an email that just came in…
And when you get a handle on your time, you can accomplish great things. And 10 times what you expected.
When it comes to playing piano, it only takes 15 minutes a day to do it.
Tons of people don’t “think” they have that. My bet is they do have 15 minutes, they are simply loaning that time out to the vampires.
It’s time to take a wooden stake and stab those pire’s in the heart.
Start doing whats important and can add value to your life.
Flakebook won’t miss you.
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Here to Serve,
Tim (PianoFool)