• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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learn chord piano

There is a great little book called “Obvious Adams”

It’s a story about a young boy who started from nothing and rose to the head of a huge advertising agency. Making millions of dollars back in the early 20 century.

But the truly interesting part about the story is that Obvious Adams was truly an unremarkable young man.

He simply had the knack for seeing, analyzing and then working with the obvious facts that lay in front of him.

A great quote in that book is this:

“The answer, when found, will be obvious”

So true…

… and that is the same thing that happened to me when I was trying to figure out how to play the piano.

I was extremely frustrated with my hands having to jump up and down the piano to find chords. It was very hard for me to find the keys when I had to jump so far in between. So I always seemed to hit the wrong ones which made the piano sound not so pleasant.

But then one day I saw a “real” piano player playing a song I was trying to learn.

But one thing was OBVIOUSLY different.

Her hands…

… they were barely moving.

I asked about his trick (at least in my mind it was a trick)

And she mentioned “inverted chords”

And there was my answer.

The obvious one to learn to play piano by ear.

Inverted chords would keep my hands from jumping up and down the keyboard, thus allowing me to play smoother, and quicker.

The answer, when found, was obvious. DON’T MOVE YOUR HANDS SO MUCH.

And thats how the Layer Method got started.

Now we have thousands of students learning like obvious Adams would have. We don’t complicate things. We learn how to do it differently. The obvious way.

If you have been looking for a step by step, crystal clear way to learn piano to play your favorite songs. If you aren’t concerned about being Beethoven and just want to play with both hands and have the piano sound awesome. Then the Layer Method is for you.

And you can sign up, risk free, right here today:


Here To Serve,

Tim (PianoFool)

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