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Teddy Roosevelt may have been the toughest son of a gun that ever lived.

I got sucked into another IPTV Documentary the other night. This time it was about the Roosevelts.

And whether or not you think Teddy was a great president or the worst, there is no doubt he was the toughest and had more steadfast belief in what he was trying to accomplish than anybody else.

Proof of this comes from a speech he gave on October 14, 1912 in Milwaukee.

As TR (Teddy Roosevelt) was preparing to enter an auditorium he was shot in the chest by a mentally ill man named John Shrank.

So pretty much, speech over right?

Not even close…

Here’s what TR said after being shot:

“Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose. But fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bullet-there is where the bullet went through- and probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best.”

He then went on to speak for 60 minutes while bleeding, and having a bullet lodged into his chest wall.

That’s not a typo… An hour long speech after being shot!

That is amazing.

That is strength.

That is perseverance.

That is belief in what you have to say is so important you are willing to risk your life to get the words out.

That is inspiring.

Makes me feel like a wimp.

Pretty sure I would have gone directly to the hospital!

But it got me thinking.

If he can stand and give a speech for 60 minutes after being shot…

…then practicing piano for 10-15 minutes a day (without a bullet lodged in your chest)should be nothing.

Sure you won’t become president, but you will certainly fulfill a life long dream of playing.

The thing about the Layer Method of Piano is this.

You don’t have to have all that much belief in yourself. You just have to follow my step by step process to playing piano with both hands, having it sound rich and full, and be able to do this for any song you want.

Belief in the process. That’s all it takes.

Signing up for The Layer Method is like dodging a piano teaching bullet, and you can do that here:



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