Roses are red, Violets are blue, Valentines day is for suckers Now Im off to buy flowers too… I am pretty much anti anything that says, "It's just what you have to do to be normal like everyone else" Then I got married. All that changed. I am now one of those guys. So here [...]
The 10,000 Hour Rule Applied To Piano
There's a rule made popular (for people wanting to master something) by Malcolm Gladwell and his book Outliers called "The 10,000 hour rule." Here's the gist: "Based on research suggesting that practice is the essence of genius, best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea that 10,000 hours of appropriately guided practice was “the magic number [...]
How To Have A Bullet Proof Belief In Yourself
Here is one of the most authentic motivational quotes I've ever heard. "Never stop believing in yourself, even when there's evidence to the contrary." ah... Finally a way to say it that is authentic. Not just fluffy, woohooo, I am awesome and can do anything type of affirmations. A real life, honest way to keep [...]
Do You Ask Yourself This Dumb Question?
Recently, a student asked: "How many songs should I be able to play before I can call myself a piano player?" My answer: That's a dumb question. Not dumb as in the person asking it is dumb. Dumb as in you can't actually measure this. What matters is level of enjoyment. Do you enjoy it [...]
Whats Your Excuse?
Student Bob wants to chime in: "Right on Tim! I can joyfully say that at 77, (24th of this month) I'm almost there. Piano will be mine thanks to your Layer Method!!! And for your followers (who may get anxious) about memorizing, playing like Tim, getting the idea, playing smoothly or whatever....don't give up. I [...]