“Tim I am compelled to send you this e-mail. I am soooo happy I decided tho get your program. My formal music background was with the TRUMPET for many,many years so I had a basic understanding of the keyboard. I tried to make some sense of various songs and what chords (which I knew a [...]
Traits The Most Comfortable People Share
I’m going down a slippery slope. I have seen it happen with my elders, grandparents, friends folks etc. and now I think it is happening to me. And I have noticed all these people have the same trait when it comes to making decisions At some point they started making choices based on... of all [...]
Words Of Wisdom From A Man With Greasy Hands
Let me tell you a story. My grandpa was a quiet, strong man. Grease filled the cracks of his weathered hands. Scars covered his forearms and fingers like grenades on a battlefield. Years and years of working with sheet metal, and fixing things. I loved hanging out with him. Following him around all day long [...]
How To Turn Your Failures Into Your Greatest Assets
The other we talked about a book I had finished. Keeping on that theme, I want to tell you about a book I just started that has caught my attention. So… If you have ever felt like you have a collection of failures, but no successes then you will want to read this email and [...]
Current Student Spouts Off About The Layer Method Of Piano
Layer Method Student Josephine responds to yesterdays email about other courses that offer lots of “stuff” but no piano playing results… …her words below: ******** Tim- You're right here. Lots of videos, causing more confusions than ever. Your Layer Method of Playing has enabled me to play the piano without all those eye-straining voluminous sheets/chords/etc. [...]