Ever have a six year old kid teach you something about life? That’s what happened to me the other day when my buddy was sharing a story about his son Nash. Awesome kid, super smart and just plain wise. He is currently in tee ball and when asked what he thought of tee ball he [...]
Get This Wrong And You’re Bamboozled
So my neighbor just started his very first DIY project. “Disaster In Yard” as I like to call it. Last week he pretty much walks out of his house and decides he is going to build a patio. He must have watched a home and garden show or something the day before. The scary part [...]
What Your Socks Can Teach You About Playing Piano
Feel like you are getting older to quickly? I hear ya… …in fact, my feet are becoming very distant to me. I don't know exactly how this has happened, but it has. I must be getting older. Quickly. Let me explain. A while back I noticed I was making decisions based on "comfort" of all [...]
Be A Rockstar In Any Room With These 5 Songs
Imagine walking into a room full of people, sitting down at the piano and having everybody sing to what you are playing... ...even if you don't sing. Sound good? Well, you can. And John had a great question yesterday to help with this: "...In addition to that, I'd like to start building up a repertoire [...]
Furniture Disguised As Pianos?
My students are great! And very colorful in personality. Ed is one of my favorites and he sent me this the other day: "...How's this for fun. I pulled out a book of Eagles music that I've had for years and started working on Lying Eyes. Left hand chords, right hand single notes. Boring. I [...]