Feeling stuck or frustrated with your progress on the piano? It may be time to step away. Marilyn goes from stuck to thriving… …read her words below: “Hi Tim! Took a two week vacation which meant a break from practicing. I was getting discouraged with "Dock of the Bay". It just wasn't sounding very good. [...]
Eliminate Allowance, Charge Rent Instead?
Do you know notice how we are losing at an alarming rate the ability to create value, and then profit from the value we created? I propose that one way to change this is by eliminating allowance, and instead charging your kids rent beginning at 6 years old. Increasing every year. Here’s my reasoning (feel [...]
For Singers And Sheet Music Readers Who Want To Play By Ear
If you sing and play sheet music then you will want to pay attention to what Lee has to say about the Layer Method. Unsolicited opinion below: ====== “Why do I love the PianoFool? I can read music, and play from sheet music. But here was my PROBLEM! It has the melody line, it made [...]
How To Use Limited Piano Skills To Earn A Little Extra Moolah
Interesting question from current Layer Method Student Billy: His words: “Hi Tim, I have a question. I play the piano mainly for enjoyment. But as I get better, I could see having fun making a little money playing the piano as well. What are realistic ways someone can get gigs to play the piano as [...]
Are These Doodads Holding You Back From Being Able To Play Piano Smoothly?
Great question from Mary this morning: "Started to practice lesson #1 last night and I do have a question. Is there an easy way to remember chords or will it just become automatic the more I practice?" I get this question a lot as well. And the answer is: It will be so automatic you [...]