Here's a question I get from time to time that warrants an answer. "Tim, if you were going to teach your own kids to play piano what would ye do?" First off I don't have kids yet. God willing someday, but for now it's a hypothetical. And here's my answer. The perfect progression of teaching [...]
3 people you need in your life to be happy?
Wouldn't it be great it their was a step by step process to being happy? Seriously, for instance: Step 1. Do this Step 2. Do this Step 3… You get my drift. And the final step you are like super happy all the time. That would rock! It's reminds me of a good book called [...]
The lazy way to play piano
I read an article the other day about this new machine that was supposed to revolutionize the way people play piano. The "Lazy Way To Play" so to speak. You didn't have to read sheet music, know chords, or really know anything. It's premise is somewhat like the video game called guitar hero. You simply [...]
Here’s why you should never give up
Never give up... Here's why. Tony just about quit before he came across the Layer Method Of Piano Program. His words: "Hey Tim, The reason I want to thank you is because your program has given me so much confidence to play the piano. I had a bad experience with my piano teacher, he was [...]
Does life scare you?
You ever wonder what you could accomplish if you were 100% fearless? Every decision coming from a position of strength, confidence, and clarity? I was thinking about that the other day. Some people are literally scared all the time. Everyday of their life. Even with the smallest of decisions. It's paralyzing. Living in a world [...]