So I’ve been a pregnant husband now for about 18 weeks. And for some reason I decided to keep a “Pregnancy Observation Log” I’m finding out that wifey is increasingly annoyed with the fact I am observing changes as the pregnancy goes on. And the guy reading this who has been through a pregnancy before [...]
Why you shouldn’t memorize chords?
Great question about how to memorize chords from Paul: "Tim- I printed the chords that came with the intro video. Is there a trick to learning them. How can you remember all those chords?? I would like to start to practice finding those chords while waiting for the lessons. How do you learn them to [...]
The Hero wears no clothes
Most "heroes'" are anything but... ...let me explain. The Emperor wears no clothes is an old Danish story about an Emperor walking around Naked, but nobody would point out the obvious because they were afraid they might be chastized But I am not afraid when it comes to the topic of "Heroes" You see...There's a [...]
You may need this to learn to play piano by ear
Great words from Galileo: "You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself." All I want to say to you today is this. You are born to succeed. At whatever you want. Nobody in this world can stop you. And I believe in you. Others believe in you. And [...]
Is your skin thick enough for BOBO?
Since the Donald (Trump) has been in the news so much lately because of his "free spirited verbal communication" I thought I would pull out an email from the archives... Email below: Bobo the clown was the rudest, most obnoxious, politically incorrect person I have ever witnessed. He would sit in his dunk tank at [...]