A great friend of mine has a rockstar dad. His name is Jeff. Being that I grew up being raised by a single mom I've always been drawn to good, strong, family men. Jeff is one of those guys. He fishes, hunts, coaches, is stern when he needs to be, but also soft when it [...]
The Simple Test To Tell If You’re Musically Gifted Enough To Play Piano
There's a really simple way to tell if you are truly musically gifted or not. And the fact you are reading this, wondering whether or not you are, means you probably aren't. You most likely struggle and have been beat down by the world with a bunch of crap lies about "musical giftedness." I need [...]
Urgency Turtles Invade Workplace
I've been noticing a trend with our younger workforce. There seems to be a huge lack of, what I call, a "sense of urgency". And since I don't believe you can train this in someone, I have figured out an ingenious (if I do say so myself) way to hire properly. Here's the backstory: For [...]
Here’s Why You’re Not Stupid When It Comes To Learning Piano, Even If You Have Proof
"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree then it will live it's whole life believing it's stupid" Read that again. I got this quote from a book written by Roger James Hamilton. And it hit me like a brick. You ever feel like a fish [...]
How To Identify A False Hero
Most "heroes'" are anything but... ...let me explain. The Emperor wears no clothes is an old Danish story about an Emperor walking around Naked, but nobody would point out the obvious because they were afraid they might be chastized But I am not afraid when it comes to the topic of "Heroes" You see...There's a [...]