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4 Proven Steps To Disagree Someone Who Is Wrong

I was on a little vacation last year and I learned a very valuable lesson from my Uncle Steve. How to disagree with someone when they are wrong. And in all fairness the other person wasn't necessarily wrong, but they definitely had differing opinions. We were sitting around a table after a round of golf [...]

How To End Stage Fright And Become Fearless Playing In Front Of Others

Terrified of playing in front of people? Got this question yesterday. “How do you handle stage fright that effects your performance to the point that you shake while you play and lose all sense of music and timing?” Kirk Stage fright is a real thing. There is no doubt about that. Shaky hands, shaky voice, [...]

How To Tell Your Piano Playing Personality

I was reading last night I came across a passage that said this… …” You will never be able to have authentic communication, relationships, or conversations with another person unless you truly know and accept who you are.” That hit me like a brick. When I think about raising this little PianoFool (who will be [...]

The Less You Know, The Better You’ll Play Piano

This seems to be one of the hardest things for new piano players AND traditionally trained piano players to get. Once you learn the Layer Method ways you don’t have to think anymore about what you’re playing. It just happens. Layer Method student Doug makes my point below: A quick note concerning "Knowing what notes [...]

How To Become Consistent With Your Piano Practicing

Thoughts from PianoFool student John: "I think you sold your program a little short in today's email. Far from it not being recommended for people under 12, I believe it should be required for anyone learning piano, no matter their age. Here are my thoughts on the matter. I spent six years taking piano lessons [...]