• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
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  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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learn chord piano

Subject: Can you learn to play piano with this disability?

Michelle has a big dilemma to sort out.

Her question:

I am 54 yr young 🙂 and dyslexic, no excuse, it is what it is. But my question is this; Will your program work with my learning disability , I really don’t like to say disability as i can learn just fine it just takes me a different way and when I do master what ever I am trying to learn I usually nail it!, if I do say so myself 🙂 but I don’t want to waste time or become confused and irritated . You have said in past emails you don’t guarantee you will be a Mozart or anything of this magnitude but I do want to master the piano , read music and be darn good , can this be accomplished with your program & hard work?

Two things about this email stand out to me.

The word “master” and “read music and be darn good”

At 54 years of age it will be tough. The dyslexia is no problem with my program.

We do things differently that actually lend itself to learning disabilities versus Doctor like studying skills.

But at some point you have to be honest with yourself.

You need to ask this question.

“Is reading sheet music important to me, or do I just want to play piano?”

When you were young you had no choice, but as an adult you do.

You have to be honest with yourself because it could make, or break, your chances of actually playing.

You see… To learn sheet music takes a long time. And “mastering” it takes forever.


Hundreds (if not thousands) of hours.

And there’s lots of programs promising you’ll be able to read sheet music quickly and play songs..

…but leave you with simple, little, boring songs you wouldn’t enjoy playing anyway (most likely with one hand only)

More importantly though…

…You’ll get frustrated because you feel like you’re playing like a 3rd grader and then quit.

For those of you who honestly say to yourself…

” I don’t care about reading sheet music, I just want to play.”

and play with both hands…

…Then you can do that. I guarantee it.

In a perfect world we would start lessons at age 5, learn all the theory and sheet music till about age 12, and then be switched to a program like my “Layer Method of Piano” to teach us how to use the skills we have to play without being bound by sheet music.

That’s ideal.

Most things don’t work out that way.

So if you want to play, but don’t want to invest YEARS learning sheet music then sign up for the Layer Method Of Piano Program and see how I did it and thousands of other people are doing the same all over the world… without reading sheet music.

And if you’re thinking about starting Jan 1st, then I challenge you to get a jump on your resolution and start today. You will be amazed at what you will be able to do in just a few weeks.

Sign up here: www.pianofool.com/pianoprogram


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