Wouldn’t it be great it their was a step by step process to being happy?
Seriously, for instance:
Step 1. Do this
Step 2. Do this
Step 3…
You get my drift.
And the final step you are like super happy all the time.
That would rock!
It’s reminds me of a good book called “The Heroes Blueprint”, and in it the author talks about one thing that really stuck out to me.
It’s about the 3 people you need in your life at any given time to have a fulfilling life.
Here they are:
1. Upward mentor (someone you can go to for guidance, help, wisdom)
2. Side by Side mentor (someone you walk with side by side and share life with)
3. Downward mentor (someone you give wisdom, guidance, and help to)
Simple huh?
I got 2 out of 3.
Need to find me a kid to wise up.
Last kid I found wised me up.
If you are in the market for a piano playing mentor. I’m available.
You get in on the Layer Method Of Piano program and thats exactly what you get. Me helping you along every step of the way. Always available to answer questions and such.
I don’t think any other program out there can say that. In fact, most disappear after you purchase from them. Not me. I stick around for the long haul. 😉
So before you start hammering all the food over the Holidays, lets make a healthy choice and buy yourself the Layer Method Of Piano.
That way the new year can start off right!
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