Is “traditional” piano playing experience an advantage or not?
Layer Method Piano Student Charlie wants to know:
“I took lessons for many years, stopped playing, started back and can read sheet music, quite honestly can play fairly well (but nothing without musical score in front of me). Would I have to unlearn all I do know, in other words being able to play now, is it a advantage or disadvantage? Charlie”
This is a very common question.
And it’s a very simple answer.
It’s a HUGE advantage to have all the previous teaching.
You will not have to re-learn anything.
What you will have to do learn how to look at the piano differently. (and that’s what I teach)
And when you start doing that, then all the other knowledge you have gets used in amazing ways.
The biggest hurdle for sheet music readers is realizing there are patterns in a song.
They are so used to reading something until the markings on the page tell them to stop, repeat, etc… that they don’t realize there was a very simple pattern there.
Once you start seeing the patterns you don’t need to read sheet music.
…if you want to play complex melodies (like Beethoven) then you will probably be better off with sheet music.
But if you want to play without it, learn simple tricks and methods to pluck out the melody (maybe not perfectly), play with both hands and have it sound awesome…
…then the Layer Method of Piano is for you.
I personally guarantee your success.
You could be playing by Christmas.
So get on it.
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