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learn chord piano

Ever wondered if it’s okay to play something but not know exactly what it is you are playing?

Layer Method student Evelyn has a great question about that:

“Good Morning Tim, I have a quick question for you. My fingers seem to be remembering where to go with the first four chords, but my mind doesn’t always remember their names. I’m only on the Rocking the Chords level. How important is it that I remember the names of the chords as I play them and should I be able to just name the chord randomly and be able to place my hands there? I’m afraid to move on until my mind can do this. Thanks, have a great day! Evelyn”

This question really struck a chord with me (pun intended)

You see…

…we get caught up in thinking we are supposed to know exactly what we are doing in order to be doing it correctly.

And sometimes we need to know.

But the majority of the time it doesn’t matter based on our goals.

So for instance.

If you are wanting to play in a band with others, then you will probably want to know what you are playing so you can communicate about changes etc.

But if its just you playing, then who cares?

It doesn’t matter.

There are lots of songs I wouldn’t know exactly what I was playing while I was playing. The patterns become so strong in your hands and mind that you don’t have to think about it. If someone was to stop me in the middle of a song I know and love and ask me what I was playing; I may have to look at my fingers and think about it for a split second.

And guess what.

There is nothing wrong with that.

As far as naming a chord randomly and being able to place your hands there?

You will be able to do that in time. That comes naturally as you continue playing. But there is no great joy in being able to place your hands on the correct chords at will when tested on it.

The great joy comes from playing music you love without thinking about it. Just like Evelyns hands are moving on their own without thinking, you will be playing songs without thinking after going through the Layer Method of Piano.


By the way.

Can be gotten here: www.pianofool.com/pianoprogram


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