I’ve been a dad now for 7.5 months.
It’s my greatest accomplishment for sure.
I freaking love that little guy like I never thought possible.
And Hayes (little PianoFoolers name), has been teaching me some big lessons.
One in particular that you may need to be reminded of.
Hayes just started to crawl.
Life changes quick when that happens.
It’s a constant corralling trying to keep him from getting into trouble.
But the funny thing I’ve been noticing is this…
…He has no sense of consequence.
He will literally look up, see something he wants, and go straight for it.
It doesn’t matter if there’s a cliff to fall off of, a fire pit in the way, growling dog waiting to pounce, or whatever… he sees something he wants, he goes after it with a smile.
At some point he will start to think about consequences to his actions. Almost saddens me. There’s something so refreshing about seeing him totally go for something that he wants regardless.
Guess who else used to do that?
Then something happened. You got told no out of protection. Problem is this pattern of hearing no trickles into other areas of your life and then all the sudden you’re scared to take a chance on anything.
Even things that in no way can hurt you.
Like learning the piano.
If you want to learn piano then why haven’t you done anything about it?
Scared of failing most likely. Lack of belief in yourself maybe?
What if you decided today that you could never fail, but instead you could only grow?
How many things would you do differently?
And the truth is that growth is the only real result from anything.
And I’m telling you that you can play piano. You will not fail. You will only grow.
But you need a teacher and a proven method that helps almost anybody.
Crawl on over here and get signed up: