This email will irritate people (lot’s of them most likely)
But alas, I believe it to be true.
My buddy Troy is a counselor at a middle school here in central Iowa.
The other day he told me he had to teach his first class on “career counseling”
I told him he should walk into that room of 7th and 8th graders and say this:
“My name is Mr. Troy, and this is a class on career counseling. First thing and the most important thing for you to know is this…
… you cannot be anything you want to be. That’s a handed down lie to make you feel good about yourself and hopeful about the future.
The truth is, you are specifically designed to be “great” at something and that is what we need to focus on instead.”
He didn’t like my advice.
But it’s the truth. (in my accurate opinion)
There’s a great scripture that speaks to this.
Proverbs 22:6- “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
A hebrew translation for “in a way he should go”, means according to his bend. Like a bow hunter looking for just the right piece of wood to make his bow. Bent just perfectly.
There’s a reason we have mid life crisis’s.
It’s not because we are bored from doing something we love and have a purpose behind.
It’s because we are a nation of people doing things against our bent. For lot’s of reasons.
It’s never too late though.
To find which way you are bent.
And if you have struggled with traditional piano lessons in the past, it’s most likely because you aren’t bent to learn that way.
I wasn’t.
Thousands of others across the world aren’t either.
But they are loving playing the piano with both hands by ear after going through the Layer Method of Piano program.
Here’s the truth.
You are not going to be a concert pianist (shocking I know).
It’s okay.
Now move on, and start realizing with the right program, step by step teaching method, you will love being able play the piano.
And best of all, call yourself a “piano player”.
That program is the Layer Method. It’s guaranteed to work.
You can sign up here:
Here to Serve,
Tim (PianoFool)