I received an email from Anthony yesterday.
Went like this:
“Hello Tim, Yes, you hit it on the head, awkward, clumsy but a few cords never sounded so rich & perfect. Thanks for staying in touch, I’m shocked (with my progress) for never having put my fingers on the ivy’s. Thrilled to study your method & 68!”
He was responding to an email I send out to students after the first week or so to remind them that they aren’t suppose to be good yet.
Feeling clumsy is normal.
Feeling awkward is normal.
And these feeling to shall pass.
It’s kind of like watching a baby take it’s first steps.
They stumble around, lose their balance, and reach for things to hold them up. But after just a short period of time they are hard to catch.
It’s no different with piano.
You will stumble, you will fall, you will get frustrated but all of the sudden you will get it.
And when that happens you start hearing things come out of the piano that you never thought possible for you to make.
Some traditional teaching makes you believe you have to get it perfect from the very start.
Which is why we (everyone who “used to take traditional lessons”) got so frustrated. We were always failing and having to start over.
With the Layer Method of Piano you are “failing forward”
Not be good, or perfect, is actually the right way.
So give yourself a break.
Keep at it and you will succeed with the Layer Method.
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