• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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learn chord piano

Feeling stuck or frustrated with your progress on the piano?

It may be time to step away.

Marilyn goes from stuck to thriving…

…read her words below:

“Hi Tim! Took a two week vacation which meant a break from practicing. I was getting discouraged with “Dock of the Bay”. It just wasn’t sounding very good. Well, that break must have made a difference, because once I got home it smoothed out and now I think I have it! So, with this new found confidence I went out to the Internet and looked up a song I liked. It was “Mary Did You Know”. That search brought me to the site Classic Country Lyrics. In the left hand column it listed a couple pages of songwriters. I clicked on a name and it listed many of the songs by that artist. I find that I am like your student Paul, in your email as Student #3. I have a hard time recalling song titles and names of who wrote them. I try not to think it’s early old timers or any other silly thing like that. It’s just that my brain is overloaded with stuff to remember;). Anyway, there are hundreds of songs to choose from! Found that by accident (I think). Then I printed them (free) and checked out the music for the time signature and also YouTube to hear that songwriters music. It was such fun! I am totally enjoying this and wanted you to know it! Have a great day! Marilyn”

I can’t tell you why it works, it just does.

Every time I get stuck on a song (or a part of a song) I just walk away for days, sometimes weeks at a time, and when I come back I can play it better than before.

Somethings we just shouldn’t question.

Just take them as fact.

And this is one of those things.

Marilyn is now using the 8 Step Song Blueprint process (we go into that after Module #3) to learn what she wants.

That’s how the Layer Method works.

You go through a specific process to teach you skills that layer on top of each other.

It’s almost like sneaky teaching.

You don’t even know what you are learning and then BAM!!! You are playing songs and aren’t quite sure how that happened.

The best part?

Once this happens (usually in about 60 days) you now OWN the skill to do this over and over again.

And that my friend is when playing piano feels like something you’ve done your whole life.

But first you gotta get on the right program, with the right teacher.

One that understands what it’s like to struggle at piano, then finally learn how to play.

Guess where you can find a teacher like that?

Right here:



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