I saw a show a while back about “doomsday preppers”
Pretty interesting.
I mean these guys are ready for the big day when the whole world goes to “joplin in a hand basket”.
Some call them crazy.
Others call them smart.
Others, well who knows…
…How do I feel about the whole prepping thing?
It doesn’t really matter.
But it did get me thinking about one thing.
What would be a seriously valuable skill to have in a doomsday scenario?
Of course the standard list of hunting, building shelter, etc…
…but after all the dust (or radiation) has settled, what then?
I think I figured it out.
Being able to play a musical instrument. Think about it. Regardless of how bad things could get, people will always want to be entertained. And they would pay for it. Maybe in canned beans, deer meat, or whatever, but they would pay for sure. In fact, it may make more sense to stalk up on instruments than food.
But it’s no good if you don’t know how to play’em.
I can’t do much about most of those instruments.
But I can teach you doomsday survival skills when it come to playing the piano. I am pretty sure you won’t have to be that good either. Even if you just knew a few songs, it could totally be a morale booster when others are hunkered over a fire heating up the second can of beans for the day. I’m just saying.
Get your doomsday piano training here: