I used to be addicted to talk radio.
Politics in general really.
But I cured myself.
Here’s how I did it.
It was by a “weening” process.
Only listening in the mornings.
Then it was in the mornings every other day.
Then it was only on Friday.
Then it was almost never.
Because I noticed, nothing ever changes. Even when it does change it really doesn’t.
Point being…
… the big scandal this week is only overshadowed by the new scandal next week. And on and on and on.
So in reality it never really changes. It just morphs into another “same thing” with a different title.
So I stopped.
And the other night the big “state of the union” was on TV.
I didn’t watch. (call me un- American)
Almost forgot it was happening.
But guess what?
I hear I didn’t really miss much.
Just a bunch of the same old, same old.
And you know what I was doing instead?
Practicing some songs I love on the piano.
Much more enjoyable.
Much more relaxing.
Much more productive.
You have something you want to cut out of your life and give yourself the space you need to start playing piano?
Just start the weening process and replace the extra time with practicing piano.
Only takes a few minutes a day.
Here’s where you can find crystal clear instructions on how to make it happen.