Interesting thoughts from current student Scott. If you already know how to read sheet music, then this is a must read. If you don’t read sheet music, you will be liberated from the thought of having to. His words: “I am having such fun with sheet music I love, but ONLY because I learned your [...]
Just received this gem of a question from an email subscriber the other day. Her words below: “Does this teach you the correct way to play the piano, learning the notes and theory? Marilyn” Ah.. The correct way question again. I used to send back a lengthy reply, you know back in my younger days [...]
Charlie asks a great question about whether his previous "traditional" piano playing experience is and advantage or not: "I took lessons for many years, stopped playing, started back and can read sheet music, quite honestly can play fairly well (but nothing without musical score in front of me). Would I have to unlearn all I [...]
Ever have a six year old kid teach you something about life? That’s what happened to me the other day when my buddy was sharing a story about his son Nash. Awesome kid, super smart and just plain wise. He is currently in tee ball and when asked what he thought of tee ball he [...]
So my neighbor just started his very first DIY project. “Disaster In Yard” as I like to call it. Last week he pretty much walks out of his house and decides he is going to build a patio. He must have watched a home and garden show or something the day before. The scary part [...]