• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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Time for a little Q&A about Crucial vs. Non Crucial Chords. Student John asks: "Hi Tim-I had a question about seventh chords. I noticed on your crucial chord chart that they are all listed as "non crucial chords." However, when I find my own chord and lyric charts to play from, I find that virtually [...]

WHY?... Why is it so hard for people to stick around long enough to actually learn how to play the piano? Countless times I have heard people say "I used to take lessons but I quit." If you are one of these people I would be willing to bet that the real reason you quit [...]

Peggy has a great question on this Independence Day!: "What stages will I go through when learning the piano with the Layer Method Of Piano product?" interesting.... ...The people who are successful with the program typically go through 10 stages. Here they are: 1) Total disbelief that the Layer Method Of Piano is this easy [...]

Weird question I got the other day: "If you had a gun to your head and had to give me 3 tips that would drastically reduce the time it takes for me to learn piano, what would they be?" I am pretty sure this will never happen. If it did though, I'm positive the first [...]

At some point you should give up. Or should you foolishly continue on? I wrestle with this question all the time and I constantly go back to a great quote in the movie Big Fish in 2003. “There's a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs to accept that [...]