• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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A great friend of mine has a rockstar dad. His name is Jeff. Being that I grew up being raised by a single mom I've always been drawn to good, strong, family men. Jeff is one of those guys. He fishes, hunts, coaches, is stern when he needs to be, but also soft when it [...]

Great question from Mary this morning: "Started to practice lesson #1 last night and I do have a question. Is there an easy way to remember chords or will it just become automatic the more I practice?" I get this question a lot as well. And the answer is: It will be so automatic you [...]

There's a really simple way to tell if you are truly musically gifted or not. And the fact you are reading this, wondering whether or not you are, means you probably aren't. You most likely struggle and have been beat down by the world with a bunch of crap lies about "musical giftedness." I need [...]

Got an email from Kevin laying down the law: "Tim, Ok you've convinced me, I'm gonna' try your method.........I've been "teaching myself" for the past year and a half. I've made progress, but wish things would go a lot faster.... so here goes. Don't screw me over. I don't mind investing the 97 bucks, but [...]

I've been noticing a trend with our younger workforce. There seems to be a huge lack of, what I call, a "sense of urgency". And since I don't believe you can train this in someone, I have figured out an ingenious (if I do say so myself) way to hire properly. Here's the backstory: For [...]