Thoughts from PianoFool student John: "I think you sold your program a little short in today's email. Far from it not being recommended for people under 12, I believe it should be required for anyone learning piano, no matter their age. Here are my thoughts on the matter. I spent six years taking piano lessons [...]
Ever wondered if it’s okay to play something but not know exactly what it is you are playing? Layer Method student Evelyn has a great question about that: “Good Morning Tim, I have a quick question for you. My fingers seem to be remembering where to go with the first four chords, but my mind [...]
I read an interesting article this morning on the decline of piano sales. I wasn’t surprised myself but it really begs the questions as to why? Grand piano sales in 2005 were around 35,000 units. Now they are closer to 10,000 per year. Upright acoustic pianos, and digital studio pianos are also on the sharp [...]
Sherry has a great question about how to really know a song. Her words: "Hi Tim- This is a question that keeps playing in my mind: After figuring out the inverted chords and the best way for me to play a particular song, I wonder if there is a way to play the song without [...]
Recently I had a conversation with a very successful life coach. She asked me this question. "Tim, Do you know what the purpose of life is?" hmmmm...I said. Not really, I have been trying to define that for a long time. She said, "It's okay, you don't have to know because I am going to [...]