I’m going down a slippery slope. I have seen it happen with my elders, grandparents, friends folks etc. and now I think it is happening to me. And I have noticed all these people have the same trait when it comes to making decisions At some point they started making choices based on... of all [...]
Let me tell you a story. My grandpa was a quiet, strong man. Grease filled the cracks of his weathered hands. Scars covered his forearms and fingers like grenades on a battlefield. Years and years of working with sheet metal, and fixing things. I loved hanging out with him. Following him around all day long [...]
The other we talked about a book I had finished. Keeping on that theme, I want to tell you about a book I just started that has caught my attention. So… If you have ever felt like you have a collection of failures, but no successes then you will want to read this email and [...]
Layer Method Student Josephine responds to yesterdays email about other courses that offer lots of “stuff” but no piano playing results… …her words below: ******** Tim- You're right here. Lots of videos, causing more confusions than ever. Your Layer Method of Playing has enabled me to play the piano without all those eye-straining voluminous sheets/chords/etc. [...]
There's a really interesting book I finished reading called "The Paradox of Choice." It's an amazing look on how, as a society, we have become more miserable as the amount of choices we have increase. Perfect example: The author was talking about how he went to buy a new pair of jeans. He was greeted [...]