• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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A traditional teacher friend of mine (meaning someone who bought by programs to learn additional ways to teach their students) sent me an interesting email the other day. Full disclosure here. I really like Mary, and she really cares about her students and like everybody else has successes and failures, but one line stood out [...]

Got a letter from Scott (current PianoFool student) on Friday. ****** “My piano playing is going much better than I ever thought it could. 8 or so songs I can play well with both hands (not ready to go public though). I have about 8 chords down and learning a few more. Been working on [...]

Peggy has a great question: "What stages will I go through when learning the piano with the Layer Method Of Piano product?" interesting.... ...The people who are successful with the program typically go through 10 stages. Here they are: 1) Total disbelief that the Layer Method Of Piano is this easy and makes so much [...]

One chord at a time that is... And in my usually correct opinion it should also be in the context of a song you want to learn. I need to address this because I got this email recently from Gina: "Dear Tim, should I be learning all the crucial and non crucial chords right away [...]

Nancy has a great question that reveals a lot of the same issues we all have when learning something new. Read below: "Hi Tim- I started on the program last week and I am pretty impressed. I'm not saying that I'm playing great, but I see the potential. Didn't sleep this past Sunday night knowing [...]