• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
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  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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So the other morning I woke and and started playing a song I have been learning for a while. After I finished playing it, wifey (my beautiful wife Megan) yelled from the bathroom. “sounds like you got it down!” And that made me think. How long did it really take me to get this song [...]

If you’ve taken piano lessons before chances are you get frustrated when you take some time off. Why? Because you have to re-learn everything. Not sure why this is but with traditional lessons they don’t seem to stick with you, if you know what I mean. The Layer Method is different. And Layer Method Student [...]

Thoughts from PianoFool student John: "I think you sold your program a little short in today's email. Far from it not being recommended for people under 12, I believe it should be required for anyone learning piano, no matter their age. Here are my thoughts on the matter. I spent six years taking piano lessons [...]

Got this email from Jean last week. It speaks volumes about what most people really want to do with the piano. Her words: ****** Good morning and thank you Tim: I really can't express how overjoyed I am of the fact that I was just searching the Internet and came across Pianofool. This is probably [...]

Yoda would have been an awesome piano player. He was a master at the only skill that really matters. And you can see it from this interaction with Luke. Yoda was telling him to use the force to move his spaceship out of the mud. This is how it went down: Luke: All right, I'll [...]