• The M&M Method video shows you how one simple hand position will take years off your learning curve of playing piano
  • You will also receive..
  • PianoFool’s Crucial Chord Chart, eliminating guesswork on what chords are really important to play most any song.

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Feel like you are getting older to quickly? I hear ya… …in fact, my feet are becoming very distant to me. I don't know exactly how this has happened, but it has. I must be getting older. Quickly. Let me explain. A while back I noticed I was making decisions based on "comfort" of all [...]

Imagine walking into a room full of people, sitting down at the piano and having everybody sing to what you are playing... ...even if you don't sing. Sound good? Well, you can. And John had a great question yesterday to help with this: "...In addition to that, I'd like to start building up a repertoire [...]

My students are great! And very colorful in personality. Ed is one of my favorites and he sent me this the other day: "...How's this for fun. I pulled out a book of Eagles music that I've had for years and started working on Lying Eyes. Left hand chords, right hand single notes. Boring. I [...]

It’s amazing to me when much more talented, smarter, skilled, and professional musicians learn something from a musical slouch like myself. But in reality it makes sense. Professional piano player (and Layer Method student) Sarah’s words below: “I have been playing piano for years - classical and jazz style. Studied music theory and composition. Am [...]

There’s a great lesson in this email from student John. See if you can find it. “I am learning from your program. I've played guitar professionally for 40+ years, in the rock business, and always wanted to learn the piano. In doing your program I'm finding that I'm not learning exactly note for note, or [...]