
The best way to get a hold of me is through email. Unless it is over the weekend I usually always respond within 24 hours. I know you can succeed so I make sure I am here to help.


Should I put labels on my keys to help me remember what key is what?

No. This is will actually hurt your playing and delay your learning. With the Layer Method you will know what key is what intuitively and it won’t be an issue at all.

Should I memorize all the chords in the crucial chord chart before going through the lessons?

Absolutely not. In fact, when you start playing the songs you love you will soon realize there are very few chords you will really need to learn. DO NOT spend time memorizing chords for chords sake. Spend time learning the songs and what chords go with them and in the end you will know as many as you need to to play what you want.

Do you have any keyboard recommendations or what I should be looking for?

Yes. Here they are:

Okay so I wanted to share this recommendation about a keyboard that I think is really good for the money. Some keyboards can run all the way up to $3-7 thousand dollars and usually don’t do anything that we would ever need it to. I played a dueling piano show with a guy a few weeks back who had this really good sounding keyboard, that was light, and had a great feel with weighted keys. We started talking about it and he paid about only a few hundred dollars. I really couldn’t believe it because the keys felt so good. When you are starting out (in my opinion) and you are going to purchase a keyboard you really only need to focus on 6 things:

1. Weighted keys (this helps a ton with the feel of the piano)

2. At least 76 keys but I don’t really play more than that. I have an 88 key keyboard but rarely EVER play more than the 76 key keyboard would afford me

3. External speakers so you can hear yourself play without having to plug into some computer or something

4. The ability to plug it into a sound system if you wanted to do a show or just show off for family and friends.

5. Does it have a transpose function so you can play a song in a different key without switching to different chords

6. Does it have just a few different sounds but not to many. You only use a couple unless you are in some recording studio and the pianos/keyboard tend to be less quality in sound and feel the more features you have. It’s weird but very true.

*I will be constantly adding to this area the FAQ’s to eventually have all your most common questions answered.