PF Principles Training “Amazing Circle of Fifths”

Okay so this lesson is about some really cool FREE software to help you find chords that go together so you can play and learn to play piano with even more cool sounding progressions. There is a thing in the music and the learn to play piano world called the “Circle Of Fifths” and to be honest it has really escape my understanding for years. But when I ran across this website and the free software I understood WAY more about it and knew that having at least minimal understanding of it would be valuable. You see, chords are in families and have relationships that some genius developed and is way past my comprehension. But when you know which chords go together you can learn to play piano and lots more songs. Get it! Good! So what I use this FREE software tool for is to find chords I may not have thought of to add to a progression when I am writing a song or trying to figure out a song in some cases. So just for fun go over to this site:

Now when you get there make sure you download the user guide here by clicking on the link for it. It goes into great detail but still uses common sense terminology to get the point across. One last thing, don’t worry if you don’t understand everything about the circle of fifths right away… You can absolutely learn to play the piano without it, I still don’t truly understand it, but I do know that it has helped me understand what chords I could think about using in certain situations. So as we go on this journey to learn to play the piano together this is another free tool that can help. Let me know if you have any questions and thank you Rand for the great free tool.

User Guide Link Here:

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